张献春,又名宪春、典春,自号齐鲁松竹斋主,1944 年出生于山东莘县这片文化底蕴深厚的土地。自幼年起,他便在家族长辈的熏陶与指导下,对书画艺术产生了浓厚的兴趣与热爱。这份热爱如同种子,在他心中生根发芽,最终绽放出绚烂的艺术之花。张献春的艺术之路,是一条充满探索与磨砺的旅程。他先后毕业于山东聊城艺专及首届书画函授大学,更得幸于著名书画家娄师白、李铎、高冠华等大师的亲自指导,这些宝贵的经历为他日后的艺术创作奠定了坚实的基础。如今,张献春已是中国东方文化研究会艺术研究员、国家高级书法师、高级美术师等多重身份加身,其艺术成就得到了业界的广泛认可。他不仅是中南海国礼中心的“国礼艺术家”,还担任着中国王羲之书画艺术研究院副院长、中国国学研究会研究员等重要职务,为中国书画艺术的传承与发展贡献着自己的力量。张献春的作品,是他艺术才华与人生哲学的完美融合。几十年来,他的作品频繁亮相于省、市乃至全国的书画展赛,并多次远赴日本、韩国、新加坡、马来西亚、泰国、西班牙等国参与“书画交流展”,赢得了国内外观众的广泛赞誉。他的作品被多家权威报刊及山东电视台报道推介,更在网络媒体上引起了热烈反响。同时,他的作品还入选了《中华名人大典》、《百年巨匠》等二十余部大型书画艺术典籍,并出版了个人书画册集,为后世留下了宝贵的艺术财富。张献春的书法作品,行、楷、隶、篆、草各体皆精,且不拘一格,自成一派。他的书作如天马行空,运笔流畅,一气呵成,既有古人的风骨与韵味,又不失现代的创新与活力。他师古而不泥古,学古而又变古,在传统书法的基础上注入了当代的时代气息,使得他的作品既具有历史的厚重感,又洋溢着时代的清新气息。其行草作品更是清健劲秀、生动畅达、充满神韵,让人叹为观止。在国画领域,张献春同样展现出了非凡的才华。他的山水画云雾缭绕,山川壮丽;花卉画则细腻入微,色彩丰富。他以书入画,将书法的笔法与气韵融入国画之中,使得他的作品既有书法的骨力之美,又有国画的意境之深。他的国画作品源于生活、师法自然,是他眼中所见、心中所思的真实写照。张献春的艺术人生,是他对美的无尽追求与不懈探索的写照。他淡泊名利,不骄不躁,始终保持着对艺术的敬畏之心与对美的执着追求。他的作品如同他的人格一样,充满了大雅之气与超凡脱俗的韵味。他用自己的才华与热情,书写着属于自己的书画传奇,为中华文化的传承与发展贡献着自己的力量。
The Calligraphy and Painting Life and Artistic Pursuit of the Master of Qilu Songzhu Studio
Zhang Xianchun, also known as Xianchun or Dianchun, was born in 1944 in Shen County, Shandong Province, a land with a rich cultural heritage. From a young age, under the influence and guidance of his family elders, he developed a strong interest and love for calligraphy and painting art. This love is like a seed, taking root and sprouting in his heart, ultimately blooming into a brilliant flower of art. Zhang Xianchun's artistic journey is a journey full of exploration and refinement. He graduated from Shandong Liaocheng Art College and the first Correspondence University of Calligraphy and Painting, and was fortunate to receive personal guidance from famous calligraphers and painters such as Lou Shibai, Li Duo, and Gao Guanhua. These valuable experiences laid a solid foundation for his future artistic creation. Nowadays, Zhang Xianchun has multiple identities such as an art researcher at the China Oriental Culture Research Association, a national senior calligrapher, and a senior artist, and his artistic achievements have been widely recognized in the industry. He is not only a "national etiquette artist" at the Zhongnanhai National Etiquette Center, but also holds important positions such as Vice President of the Chinese Wang Xizhi Calligraphy and Painting Art Research Institute and Researcher of the Chinese National Studies Research Association, contributing his own strength to the inheritance and development of Chinese calligraphy and painting art. Zhang Xianchun's works are a perfect fusion of his artistic talent and philosophy of life. For decades, his works have frequently appeared in provincial, municipal, and even national calligraphy and painting exhibitions, and have traveled to Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Spain, and other countries to participate in "calligraphy and painting exchange exhibitions", winning widespread praise from domestic and foreign audiences. His works have been reported and promoted by multiple authoritative newspapers and Shandong TV stations, and have also caused a warm response on online media. At the same time, his works have also been selected for more than 20 large-scale calligraphy and painting art classics such as "The Grand Ceremony of Chinese Celebrities" and "The Hundred Year Master", and he has published a personal collection of calligraphy and painting books, leaving valuable artistic wealth for future generations. Zhang Xianchun's calligraphy works are exquisite in various styles, including Xing, Kai, Li, Zhuan, and Cao, and are not limited to any particular style, forming their own unique style. His works are like boundless imagination, with smooth brushstrokes and a seamless flow, embodying both the ancient style and charm, as well as modern innovation and vitality. He learned from the past without being stuck in it, and transformed it into the past by studying it. On the basis of traditional calligraphy, he infused contemporary atmosphere into his works, giving them both a sense of historical weight and a fresh breath of the times. His cursive works are clean, vigorous, vivid, and full of charm, which is breathtaking. In the field of traditional Chinese painting, Zhang Xianchun also demonstrated extraordinary talent. His landscape paintings are shrouded in clouds and mist, with magnificent mountains and rivers; Flower paintings are delicate and intricate, with rich colors. He incorporated calligraphy into painting, blending the brushstrokes and charm of calligraphy into traditional Chinese painting, resulting in his works possessing both the beauty of calligraphy's backbone and the depth of traditional Chinese painting's artistic conception. His traditional Chinese painting works originate from life and emulate nature, and are a true reflection of what he sees and thinks in his eyes and heart. Zhang Xianchun's artistic life is a reflection of his endless pursuit and relentless exploration of beauty. He is indifferent to fame and fortune, neither arrogant nor impatient, always maintaining a reverence for art and a persistent pursuit of beauty.
His works, like his personality, are full of elegance and extraordinary charm. He uses his talent and passion to write his own calligraphy and painting legends, contributing his strength to the inheritance and development of Chinese culture.
Famous CCTV calligraphy and painting critic Shi Feng