



  郑朝建, 笔名 :戈岛。出生江西鄱阳。汉族。大学。现任中国硬笔书法协会会员;中国硬笔书法协会高级注册书法教师;中国书画家联谊会新文艺群体书画家工作委员会委员;中国楹联学会书法艺术研究会会员;中国文化管理协会书画工作委员会委员;中国人民书画艺术研究院会员;北京古今翰墨书画院副院长;北京黄宾虹书画院江西省分院院长;全国数字电视频道《收藏天下》栏目学术指导和特邀艺术家;北京云未文化艺术顾问;北京复圣轩文化传媒签约书法家;中国互联网联盟艺术总监。荣获2018年全国第十一届书画艺术大赛优秀奖;荣获2019年《大美中国》全国各大媒体重点推荐报道为文化中国文化艺术代表并入编发行了《名家作品专辑》;荣获2020年中国互联网联盟书画界两会新闻代表;2020年被收藏天下全国数字电视频道评选为本年度最具收藏价值艺术家;2020年入编《人民日报大美书画名家》精美台历;中国梦一2020最具正能量文艺工作者;入选2020全国名家臻品书画邀请展,并荣获《全国最具影响力名家》称号;2020年入编《中国书画名家作品集》;荣获2020墨韵中华杯;高规格书画金奖;荣获2020众志成城战疫情《中华大爱》杯全国书画大赛书法组金奖;荣获2020年第二届《蒲松龄杯》全国精品书画印大赛一等奖 同时被授予《德艺双馨艺术家》称号。2021年荣获中国中外名人文化研究会学术委员会授予“一代名家”荣誉称号;2021年被全国书画艺术委员会,国家高级美术师职称评审委员会评审为国家高级书法师;2021年其书法作品收录《中国邮册》和《中国澳门邮册》同时被授予“国礼艺术家”荣誉称号;2021年荣获全国书画艺术委员会,中国传统文化发展中心,书法家协会,美术家协会颁发的德艺双馨“人民艺术家”荣誉称号。


Zheng Chaojian, pen name: Ge Island. Born in Poyang, Jiangxi. Han ethnicity. university. Current member of the Chinese Hard Pen Calligraphy Association; Senior Registered Calligraphy Teacher of China Hard Pen Calligraphy Association; Member of the Calligraphers and Painters Working Committee of the New Literary and Artistic Group of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association; Member of the Calligraphy Art Research Association of the Chinese Couplet Association; Member of the Calligraphy and Painting Working Committee of the Chinese Cultural Management Association; Member of the Chinese People's Academy of Painting and Calligraphy Art; Vice President of Beijing Ancient and Modern Hanmo Calligraphy and Painting Academy; Dean of the Jiangxi Branch of Beijing Huang Binhong Calligraphy and Painting Academy; Academic guidance and invited artists for the "Collecting the World" program on the National Digital TV Channel; Beijing Yunwei Culture and Art Consultant; Beijing Fushengxuan Cultural Media signed a calligrapher contract; Art director of China Internet Alliance. Won the Excellence Award at the 11th National Calligraphy and Painting Art Competition in 2018; In 2019, it was recommended by major media outlets nationwide as a representative of Chinese culture and art, and was included in the compilation and release of the "Famous Works Album" by "Beautiful China"; Won the title of press representative of the two sessions of the Chinese Internet Alliance in 2020; In 2020, he was selected as the artist with the most collectible value by the National Digital TV Channel; In 2020, it was included in the "People's Daily Great Beauty Calligraphy and Painting Masters" exquisite desk calendar; Chinese Dream One: The Most Positive Literary and Artistic Worker of 2020; Selected for the 2020 National Famous Artists' Fine Calligraphy and Painting Invitation Exhibition and awarded the title of "Most Influential Famous Artists in China"; In 2020, it was included in the collection of works by Chinese calligraphy and painting masters; Won the 2020 Moyun China Cup; High standard calligraphy and painting gold award; Won the gold medal in the calligraphy category of the 2020 National Calligraphy and Painting Competition of the "Chinese Love" Cup in the United Front Against the Epidemic; Won the first prize in the 2020 Second Pu Songling Cup National Fine Painting, Calligraphy and Printing Competition    At the same time, he was awarded the title of 'Artist of Virtue and Art'. In 2021, it was awarded the honorary title of "Famous Master of the Generation" by the Academic Committee of the Chinese and Foreign Celebrity Culture Research Association; In 2021, he was awarded the title of National Senior Calligraphy and Painting Master by the National Calligraphy and Painting Art Committee and the National Senior Artist Title Evaluation Committee; In 2021, his calligraphy works were included in both the "China Stamp Album" and the "Macau Stamp Album" and awarded the honorary title of "National Gift Artist"; In 2021, he was awarded the honorary title of "People's Artist" for his moral and artistic excellence by the National Calligraphy and Painting Art Committee, the Chinese Traditional Culture Development Center, the Calligraphers Association, and the Artists Association.










