夏备战,字闻海,号三湘墨人,湖南邵阳隆回人,自幼迷书画,师从启功,王友智等名家,书画数十次在全国(国际)大展赛中获金奖,作品被社会各界人士珍藏!2018年金秋,《大事难事看担当》,《远上寒山石径斜》两幅作品被联合国科教文卫组织官员车夫主席作为重要国礼送给西班牙首相和荷兰国王,2023年末冬,台湾地区领导人花重金购买收藏了《千祥云集,百福骈臻》,《物华天宝,人杰地灵》两幅精品,加强两岸文化交流,促进祖国统一大业。荣获“中国书画收藏市场最具投资收藏价值实力派书画名家",“当代百名优秀文艺家”“大国巨匠”,“中国最具投资价值实力派艺术家”荣誉称号!为国家文化和旅部名家工作室书法家,中国国际交流出版社特邀顾问编委,中国书法家协会会员,中国书画学会副主席,中书协注册高级教师,中国美术考级夏备战书画艺术工作室考点评审主任。多次捐献书画作品参与社会公益拍卖活动,所得款项全部无私捐赠给贫困山区和残疾人公益事业!Xia Beizhan,His courtesy name is Wenhai, and his literary name is Sanxiang Mohren. He is from Longhui, Shaoyang, Hunan. He has been fascinated with calligraphy and painting since childhood and studied under famous artists such as Qigong and Wang Youzhi. His calligraphy and painting have won gold medals dozens of times in national (international) exhibitions, and his works are cherished by people from all walks of life! In the golden autumn of 2018, two works, "Taking Responsibility in the Face of Difficulties" and "Slanting Stone Path in the Distant Cold Mountains", were presented as important national gifts to the Prime Minister of Spain and the King of the Netherlands by the Chairman of the Car Driver, an official of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. At the end of the winter of 2023, Taiwan's leaders spent a lot of money to purchase and collect two exquisite works, "Gathering Thousand Auspicious Auspiciousness, Hundred Blessings Parallel to Perfection" and "Beautiful Natural Treasures, Talented People and Land", to strengthen cross-strait cultural exchanges and promote the great cause of national reunification. Honored with the titles of "Most Valuable Calligraphers and Painters in the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Collection Market", "Contemporary Top 100 Outstanding Artists", "Great Nation Master", and "Most Valuable Artists in China"!As a calligrapher of the National Culture and Tourism Department's Famous Studio, invited consultant editor of China International Exchange Publishing House, member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, vice chairman of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Society, registered senior teacher of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, and director of the evaluation center for the Chinese Art Grading Summer Preparation Calligraphy and Painting Art Studio. Donated calligraphy and painting works multiple times to participate in social charity auctions, and all proceeds were selflessly donated to impoverished mountainous areas and public welfare undertakings for people with disabilities!